Del Cono Sur

"Del Cono Sur" means "Of the Southern Cone." "Southern Cone" is a Spanish nickname given to South America due to its shape.
Much of our foundation stock originally came from that area of the world. Argentina (Ricardo's country of birth), which currently ranks second only to Germany for the quality and quantity of German Shepherd breeding. Much like Germany, Argentina has a long history of activity dating back to the early 1900s. The current club hosts a full schedule of events with weekend shows averaging an entry of two to three hundred dogs. The Argentine Sieger Show attracts the attention of all neighboring countries for entry of well over 1,200 dogs per year.
Today our breeding dogs come from South and Central America as well as Eastern and Western Europe.
Our clients mostly reside in Utah, Wyoming, Idaho and the Inter-mountain West, however, we ship nationwide from Salt Lake City International airport
Ricardo Carbajal
National Conformation Judge and Koremeister (Breed Master) Retired.
Judging assignments included the USA National Sieger Show (2 times), Round of the Argentine National Championship. National Championship in Ecuador, plus other shows in Mexico, the Dominican Republic, and the United States.
Author of 30 + breed articles published in the US, and re-printed in various European and Latin American countries.
Author of the video series "The German Shepherd Dog: The German Way". (To view click here)
Taught Conformation Seminars in the US, Mexico, Canada, and Latin America.
Former National Breed Director for the United Schutzhund Clubs of America
Former Chairman of a National Sieger Show
Served as Regional Breed Warden, Club President, director of training, and certified Club decoy
Taught numerous training and canine behavior seminars nationally and internationally for both breed-specific and AKC clubs
Trained dogs through the various levels of Schutzhund.
Ample experience in the animal health and reproductive field (former manager of Veterinary Hospital)
Current owner of Ricmar Boarding Kennel in his hometown, Provo, Utah.

"I enjoy greatly the technical aspects of breeding. When I look at a beautiful dog born in our kennel I experience a deep sense of pride and satisfaction. All the thought gone into researching bloodlines, selecting parents, and picking the best puppies for future breeding is a creative process that keep me hoping and waiting eagerly for the next litter. I love to plan and project what may come out of breeding. It is a bit like art, you have a picture in your head and yo set out to make it a reality. Breeding is a battle between the randomness of genes and your skill to shape those genes into a true masterpiece."
~ Ricardo E. Carbajal
Jill Straley
Breeder since 1984.
Dog Trainer since 1984.
Specializes in show conditioning and training.
Vast experience in canine health and nutrition field.
Puppy socialization and sales.
Member of the Jackson Hole Search and Rescue Canine Unit, 1984-1990.
Owner of Roche Jaune German Shepherds from 1984 to 2003. In 2003 Roche Jaune merged with Ric-Mar Kennels to create Del Cono Sur.
Jill resides in Pinedale, Wyoming

"I feel great gratification when a dog we have bred is able to do the things I enjoy. Whether it be hiking in the mountains, skiing, or horseback riding, a structurally correct dog with a sound mind is a "whole package." When all those qualities come together in a single animal you finally see the beauty, intelligence and loyalty this magnificent breed has to offer."
~ Jill Straley
Making of a Sieger - Article 2
2) "So You Are Looking For a Broodbitch"
3) "Not Just a Beauty Contest"